Is there a difference between being White and being a White supremacist? Of course.
But they want to pretend like there is no difference between being Jewish and being a Zionist (aka Jewish supremacist)
The typical strawman set up here is the falsely claim that Zionism started Theodor Herzl in the 1890s. This ignores Autoemancipation!: A Call to His Brethren from a Russian Jew by Leon Pinsker and his Ḥovevei Tsiyon movement. Max Nordau, Israel Zangwill, and Ze’ev Jabotinsky were all pillars with Hertzl for modern political Zionism but by no means did they invent it. Zionism has always been a natural growth from Judaism as the concept of a supreme race or bloodline to the founder Jacob is as old of an interpretation of that story as the story itself. The 12 tribes of Israel were a bloodline of a man blessed by an angel the mythology claims. The giant cope for explaining political Zionist with the depth of essentially just reading Wikipedia is to claim but Herzl was secular. Zionists always globbed Jewish identity together every with their political ambitions.
“As described in Michael Berkowitz’s Zionist Culture and West European Jewry (1993) and George Mosse’s Confronting the Nation (1993), Zionists elevated Jewish uniqueness alongside a secular nationalism and a moderate Judaism while seeking to avoid the dangers of European nationalism.” Why does the time line start here? Because it was successful?
Zionism has always been a religious movement as the very concept of Jews as a race of people is from Judaism. The idea of Jews chosen by god divided between those who took this to mean, chosen to spread the word of god vs chosen as superiors to inherit land granted by god. In both versions Jews are a tribe based on descent not belief. Thus this cult is not only a claim of theology but of biology too. The problem with applying this to modern times is that religions evolve.
Just as no one serious would think Christians still believe in the devine right of kings and monarchy or in animal sacrifice, or casting demons out of people, likewise a majority of Jews dropped the tenant of being the master race of God. This changed after Israel and now some Jews apply the racial supremacist elements and others do not.
Antisemites don't bother with a distinction. Making the distinction goes against their collectivist world view where classes of people cannot escape their assigned description.
Only two groups conflate the two things, Zionist and Nazis. Both see Jews as a race and both believe in racial teleology.
Fortunately neo Nazis are mostly larping incels with no grip strength and zero political power. Zionists however have a nuclear armed state and complete support from the establishment. The group that hates them the most helps them the most. White racist make people hate whites and favor Jews. Is this dumb? Yes. Is it real? Yes.
It's not much different than radical elements of a religion who turn everyone else away from the faith in general because they act like a bunch of assholes.
But why is one type of racism shunned and the other praised?
It all comes down to media ownership.
Having a hard time with that? Look at the out of the blue the world got peppered with transformers or how with a bit of hype nations masked up and destroyed sectors of their economies. “Black” Thug culture arrived the same way as Trannymania via a push in media and entertainment. Media can shape our world and twist religions too.
Of course.